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Foto del escritorFrank Rodz

Senor y Salvador

En pocas palabras, Jesucristo nos salva del pecado y de la muerte. Por ese motivo es, literalmente, nuestro Salvador y Redentor. En el futuro, Jesucristo volverá a reinar en la tierra en paz durante mil años. Jesucristo es el Hijo de Dios y Él será nuestro Señor para siempre.

Muchos desean a Jesus como su Salvador y no como su Senor. Porque esto? Porque al reconocerlo como Senor este reina sobre nosotros y para muchos el que esto sea asi no es de su agrado. En fin,no desean ser regidos por Su Senor.

Lord and Savior

Simply put, Jesus Christ saves us from sin and death. For that reason he is literally our Savior and Redeemer. In the future, Jesus Christ will again reign on earth in peace for a thousand years. Jesus Christ is the Son of God and He will be our Lord forever.

Many want Jesus as their Savior and not as their Lord. Why this? Because by recognizing him as Lord he reigns over us and for many the fact that this is so is not to his liking. In short, they do not want to be searched by his Lord.

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