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Foto del escritorFrank Rodz


Al Capone, the best known of the mafia bosses in the United States and who at the age of 31 was "the master of Chicago" during the evocative Prohibition era, was arrested and convicted of tax evasion.

Notice, Capone could not (or ignored) be accused of crimes such as murders, extortion, kidnappings, that is, of criminal organization, but of not having declared his taxes, but it was his lawyers, ultimately, who ended up implicating him.

PS. Do not try to continue evading the federal treasury. They may not be intervened for many other things, but for tax evasion there will be no break.

Then Jesus said to them, "Bring the coin to me so that I may see it." 16 They brought it to him, and he said to them, "Whose image and inscription is this?" They said to him, Caesar's. 17 Jesus answered and said unto them, Give to Caesar that which is Caesar's, and to God that which is God's. And they marveled at him.

Matthew 22:16-17


Al Capone el más conocido de los jefes mafiosos de los Estados Unidos y que a los 31 años era "el amo de chicago" durante la evocadora era de la Ley Seca fue arrestado y condenado por evasión fiscal .

Fijese, a Capone no se le pudo (o lo ignoraron) acusar de crímenes como asesinatos, extorsión, secuestros, es decir, de organización criminal, sino de no haber declarado sus impuestos, pero fueron sus abogados, en última instancia, quienes le acabaron implicando.

PD. No traten de seguir evadiendo al fisco federal. Tal vez no sean intervenidos por muchas otras cosas, pero por evasión fiscal no va haber break.

Entonces Jesús les dijo: Traedme la moneda para que la vea. 16 Ellos se la trajeron; y les dijo: ¿De quién es esta imagen y la inscripción? Ellos le dijeron: De César. 17 Respondiendo Jesús, les dijo: Dad a César lo que es de César, y a Dios lo que es de Dios. Y se maravillaron de él.

Mateo 22:16-17

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